
The Cuban Gar Survived Dinosaurs and 5 Mass Extinctions, but Can It Survive Humans?

[ad_1] From coexisting with dinosaurs and surviving five mass extinctions, the Cuban manjuarí fish (Atractosteus tristoechus, or Cuban gar) today faces two threats that could finally break its historical resilience: the African Walking Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and humanity.Scientists have struggled to track its population for decades, nearly losing sight of this remarkable fish despite its notable characteristics: a cylindrical, elongated body up to 60 inches long, covered in stone-like plates.The

A 240-Million-Year-Old Aquatic Reptile Fossil Challenges When Reptiles Ruled the Sea

[ad_1] A new look at a nearly forgotten old bone could change the way we think about the reptiles that preceded the dinosaurs. And the revelation that the bone is the oldest fossil of an oceanic reptile from the Southern Hemisphere — reported in Current Biology — also serves as a legacy to the scientist who prompted its re-evaluation.Dinosaurs and Ancient ReptilesReptiles ruled the seas for millions of years before

Environmental Factor – October 2022: A new era: introducing the NIEHS Division of Translational Toxicology

[ad_1] When Brian Berridge, D.V.M., Ph.D., became Scientific Director of the NIEHS Division of the National Toxicology Program (DNTP) in 2018, he set out to advance research into how real-world environmental exposures affect disease outcomes in people. That required outside-the-box thinking and willingness to challenge the status quo. “Translation was a priority for me when I joined the organization, but I take no credit for shifting our focus to that

Environmental Factor – March 2021: Suzanne Martos recognized by Society of Toxicology

[ad_1] The 2021 Society of Toxicology (SOT) awards are out, and NIEHS Intramural Research Training Award fellow Suzanne Martos, Ph.D., is a winner! Her study of the effects of tobacco smoke on the human immune system won a Best Postdoctoral Publication Award. The paper appeared in the July 2020 issue of Cell Reports Medicine. “I am honored to be receiving this award,” said Martos. “I am very grateful for help from my research

Environmental Factor – August 2020: Water contamination on tribal lands focus of webinar series

[ad_1] Water contamination on tribal lands was the focus of a recent webinar series funded in part by the NIEHS Superfund Research Program (SRP). More than 400 attendees tuned in for Water in the Native World, which wrapped up July 15. The online discussions were an extension of a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, published in April. The University of Arizona SRP Center( Community