
NHS to introduce scheme in 143 hospitals

[ad_1] Merope MillsAn initiative allowing rapidly deteriorating patients and their families to seek a second opinion will play a role in "changing the culture of the NHS", Merope Mills has said.Ms Mills began her campaign for "Martha's rule" after her daughter Martha, 13, died of sepsis in 2021.Speaking on BBC R4's Today programme, Ms Mills said it was "encouraging" to see 143 NHS hospitals sign up to the scheme.The rule

Dad who could bleed to death at any time saved by blood donations

[ad_1] Sarah DaviesAlberto Almeida's life has been saved twice because of blood donationsAlberto Almeida treasures every day with his family because he could bleed to death at any moment due to a rare illness.Donated blood has saved his life twice in the past year, after he suffered severe haemorrhages caused by an inoperable tumour near major arteries."The people who deserve medals are the people who give blood, they are the

What is the infected blood scandal and will victims get compensation?

[ad_1] Image source, Getty ImagesBy Jim ReedHealth reporterMore than 30,000 people in the UK were infected with HIV and Hepatitis C after being given contaminated blood products during the 1970s and 1980s.A public inquiry into what has been called the biggest treatment disaster in NHS history will announce its findings in May. Victims are campaigning for compensation.Who was affected by the infected blood scandal and how many patients were involved?Two